Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not my Favorite Stage of Toddlerhood

Bedroom wall.  Purple crayon.  Busy little girl.  'Nuff said.


  1. Oh my goodness! I can totally relate! I currently have cheeze doodle fingerprints on my couch!

  2. Hmmmmm, somehow I managed to miss this stage with my first one. Although she really loves drawing I somehow managed to limit it to paper. However, DD2 is coming up to 14 months old now and I can see already that she's a completely different character... so I'm expecting to see similar art works in the very near future! I hope you managed to get all that cleaned off?!

  3. Uh oh. Looks like a job for Magic Eraser!

  4. ohhh, my daughter never did that, but my two boys sure did! One had the nerve to use a permanent marker that I had in my "lunch drawer" for marking their bags . . . ugh! Sorry you're in that stage!

  5. Oh no! Yes, this is the not so fun part!! Looks like Sweet Natalia had fun that day! Where were you Missy when this was going on, wink, wink!?!?
