Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Official!!!!

Okay, I'm trying to see how many of you can figure that one out! 

Yes, I am pregnant!!!!!!!!!  Baby #4 is due October 22, 2010.   I am about 7 weeks along right now.  We feel so incredibly blessed and are amazed that God is trusting us yet again with another precious soul.  I am so in love with my children and can not wait to hold our fourth and FINAL baby in my arms and to fall in love all over again.  We told the kids one night by giving them each a big brother/big sister shirt.  And then did cheers to the new baby with root beer floats.  They are very excited!  Jacob and Alexa are both hoping for a brother and of course, Natalia has no clue.  She will soon as the bump starts to grow!!  I don't care either way, since we have the best of both worlds in our house.  Although I must admit I'm about 51% hoping for a girl/49% for a boy...just a smidge more I think because I'm just so used to little girls now.  We have all the toys and clothes...But oh, my heart would melt with another little boy.  Jacob was such a joy as a lil guy, especially ages 2 and 3 and 4.  To have all the trains and cars and airplanes and bug and snake and space (and maybe even cell phone) obsessions would be such fun.  Either way, whatever God surprises us with, we will be thrilled. 

My mom always said she was fertile Myrtle and I guess I followed in her footsteps.  I don't know the pain of trying and having to wait and wait to concieve a baby.  My heart goes out to those wannabe Mommas.  Please say a special prayer for those moms that are struggling with infertility. 


  1. We are SOOOO excited for you!! It will be so fun to add another fall birthday to the list and to have another little Yates baby join the ever growing Murphy brood!! The pictures of the kids are so cute and I love the bun in the oven picture!! I was laughing so hard. You are so blessed! Praying for you and your lil peanut!

  2. Congratulations!!! What an exciting time! Enjoy each precious moment!
